About Help Mito Kids

Who are we? We are a family with first-hand knowledge of the impact of this life-threatening genetic disorder. girls-with-pumpkins_400x460We created the Help Mito Kids organization to spread awareness about the disease and to help other families impacted by the huge financial burdens often associated with unreimbursed medical-related costs.

  • The financial impact on families dealing with this progressive and likely terminal disease is enormous. The special care required to keep the kids alive and thriving is extremely expensive, often exceeding insurance limits.
  • Families with affected children seldom have two incomes, since one parent must devote themselves to administering care, which can include special supplements, therapies, equipment, and nutrition. Because the disease is relatively rare, families are sometimes required to travel great distances to get the care they need.

How are we organized? There are no highly paid executives, expense accounts, or lavish offices. Our organization is composed of family, friends, and dedicated volunteers from our community.

Where do the donations come from? The vast majority of our donations come from our annual Help Mito Kids 5K walk/run in April in the beautiful community of El Dorado Hills, California. Hundreds of families come out for our walk/run in the El Dorado Hills Town Center every year. We also rely on donations through our Website.

Where does your money go? For every dollar donated, about 5 cents is used for administrative costs and advertising (for our annual walk/run), 62.5 cents is used for the families we serve, and 32.5 cents is set aside for mitochondrial disease research.


For us, it truly is about the kids! Won't you help us provide hope and strength to those who need it most? 

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